Welcome to Alwaysgood Wherever You Want Blog!
Grola on 28th May 2020
Everyone are more than welcome to our new blog! We are a small group of people equally splitted into wine enthusiast, wine lover, sommelier, drinker like a fish and a person with zero knowledge of whatever has alcohol in it. We hope that our blog will be a place where people will come to read about wine, spirits and experiences. Through our blog, we’ll report, comment, and provide perspective and recommendations about wine and spirits we are selling, but also we are tasting and decide to not bringing in.
As we continue to build our blog, we’ll also create content related to wine and spirits market news and current events wine&spirits related so our readers will always have access to timely information. None of us are English/American mother tongue, so despite the fact that yes, grammar and spelling matter, please be reasonable about others’ grammar mistakes but also while texting, textspeak can b gr8 4 ur friends. So save written shortcuts and less than stellar grammar for Social Media. We strongly encourage everyone to contribute with their comments, feedback and eventually content that we will post here.
We know that all of us can’t be always in agreement and also that wine and spirits sometimes make everyone shouting, but what we can’t tolerate are: violation of the law (in any way), infringement of Privacy of others visitor or our Terms and Conditions, language and behavior that may be offensive, hurtful or disrespectful to other users. Online, everyday may feel like casual friday, but a certain level of formality is expected, setting a respectful tone, Certainly you shouldn’t avoid being funny but Be careful with humor and sarcasm (that can and will backfire, because what may seem like an obvious joke to you could come across as off-putting or rude to people who don’t know you in person), thinking before typing, TYPING IN ALL CAPS IS GENERALLY INAPPROPRIATE, keeping your comments on topic.
We will not tolerate any kind of spam, exactly as in the real life we don’t like invasive behaviors.
Feel free to share our post, just, please, Cite your source. Keep in mind also to do if you are sharing something that originated from someone else in your comments. Don’t forget that nothing on internet is 100% deleted, so please never post things like ages, addresses, phone numbers, your personal information or information about someone else!
We invite you to subscribe to our blog, bookmark us, and/or sign up for our newsletter.
We look forward to growing with you as we set sail on this new adventure. Thanks for stopping by!